Children's Educational Materials

We have a number of activities and resources for kids who want to learn more about feral cats and cat care. Find our activity book, word search, and vocabulary list below:

Cat Owner Resources


ALLERPET/C - Formulated specifically for people who are allergic to cats. 

Facts About Declawing - Learn more about declawing and its devastating impact on a cat.

The Paw Project - Dedicated to educating the public about the painful and crippling effects of cat declawing, to promote animal welfare through the abolition of the practice of declaw surgery, and to rehabilitate big cats that have been declawed.

Alternatives to Declawing - Useful, humane alternatives to deter your cat from scratching unwanted areas.

Cat Health 101 - Cat Health 101 provides you with all the information you need about cat health problems and cat care. 

Cats International - A non-profit, educational organization dedicated to helping people better understand their feline companions.

Senior Paw Project - A is a referral-based program from The Catherine Violet Hubbard (CVH) Sanctuary that provides critically needed pet food, veterinary care assistance and foster/respite care to senior pet owners struggling to keep or care for their animals.

Veterinary Care Everywhere (VCE) - A nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity based in West Haven, CT that provides free or low cost at-home veterinary care to companion animals whose primary caregivers are seniors (70+), are veterans (60+), or have a disability (any age). VCE operates across CT within 60 miles of New Haven.

Cats and kids

Cats for Kids Resource Guide - Educational links and cat care resources for parents and children who are considering getting a cat

Introducing a New Pet to Kids - Tips and tricks on integrating your new furry friend with your family, and how to teach children to respect and treat your new pet gently.

introducing your new pet

Introducing a New Cat to Other Pets - Tips and tricks on integrating a new furry feline friend into your home if you have other pets.

Introducing Your Dog to a New Home - We know we’re all about cats, but here is a great resource if you also have dogs and you are moving to a new home.

Tips on international travel with cats, from one of our volunteers

Paperwork - Make sure you know what paperwork you need. Talk to your vet about international microchips and up to date vaccinations. The instructions for government paperwork are well summarized and can be accessed for different countries here: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/pet-travel/

Carriers - Use a carrier that is big enough for your cat to lay down in. There are several airline-approved carriers, and the soft-sided carriers can often fit under seats. Consider putting a puppy pee pad in the carrier in case your cat has an accident. Before traveling, leave the carriers at home near their bed so it smells like home and they get used to it as a safe space.

Harnesses - Consider harness-training your cat before flying; you can clip harnesses to carriers, and it provides an extra way to secure your cat in case they try to escape. You can find comfortable harnesses online, but make sure the harness fits your cat. It should be neither too loose nor too tight. You can try to accustom the cat to wearing the harness by putting it on before feeding treats or playing with them. 

TSA - Mention the cat to security agents before you get to the X-Ray machine, and be sure to tell them if the cat can't come out of the carrier (risk of escape). Oftentimes they will allow you to be screened in a private room with a door so you can secure the cat and they can send the carrier through the X-Ray machine without the cat inside. 

Arrival - When you arrive at your destination, make sure you've packed familiar food and litter, as well as blankets and toys that smell familiar. Identify a vet in your new area as soon as possible, and make sure the cat is eating and drinking properly. It may take them a while to adjust, so be on the lookout for any signs of stress. 

Pet friendly rentals - If you're a pet owner committed to caring responsibly for your companion animal, there are several steps you can take to find pet-friendly rental housing. Read our tips on conducting a search for a rental community that will welcome both you and your loyal companion. (The Humane Society of the United States)


How to Prepare Your Pet for a Move - Moving can be an incredibly stressful time even without having to worry about your pets. Here are some tips to help reduce the stress of moving and help your pet settle in faster.

Lost Pets International  - Free Lost & Found Pet Ads by Geographical Area.

Pet Insurance - We recommend that pet owners consider insurance to cover unforeseen or expensive vet bills for injuries and illnesses that may befall your pet. This link contains information on pet insurance and different carriers.

Other Animal Rescue Resources

Alley Cat Allies - Dedicated to protecting and improving the lives of our nation's cats. Organization advocating trap/neuter/return as a method of reducing feral cat populations.

Pets With Disabilities - Researches the procedures for rehabilitation of pets that have suffered a disability due to congenital defects or traumatic injuries.

In Defense of Animals -Working to protect the rights, welfare and habitats of animals. A highly active non-profit organization working to protect animals worldwide. They sponsor a variety of programs and initiatives and work to draw media focus to animal rights and welfare issues.

Connecticut Wildlife Rehabilitators Association - Dedicated to the preservation of wildlife, here is a link of how to help distressed wildlife without injuring them or yourself.

Wildlife in Crisis, Inc. - Wildlife in Crisis (WIC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to wildlife preservation and land conservation.  WIC's habitat protection, wildlife rehabilitation and environmental education programs share the parallel goal of protecting wildlife while improving the quality of life in our community.

TicketNetwork Animal Sanctuary - Looking for a new home for goats, llamas, or fowl? The TicketNetwork Animal Sanctuary located in South Windsor, CT would love to give shelter and care. The TicketNetwork Animal Sanctuary also takes donations of fencing, reclaimed wood, hoses and feed.

Animals and the Law

Please be aware that the following links may contain legal descriptions and definitions of cruelty, including sexual assault.

Animal Law 101 - a primer on US laws that relate to the treatment of all animals, including pets, livestock, wildlife, and endangered species.

Animal Law Resource Center - Search for and learn about specific legislation regarding animal welfare. Run by the National Anti-Vivisection Society.

Animal Legal Defense Fund - Support legislation to protect and expand the rights of animals.

Connecticut Animal Laws - Information from the Michigan State University Animal Legal & Historical Center about animal-related laws in the state of Connecticut.

Connecticut Wildlife Laws - Learn more about wildlife in Connecticut, incliding what to do if you find an animal that appears sick, injured or orphaned.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about GNHCP. If you have any questions that aren't answered here, feel free to Contact Us

Can I foster any of the cats at GNHCP?

GNHCP is interested in expanding its foster home network. Please e-mail gnhcp1@gnhcp.org for a copy of the application.

How can I get involved with volunteering at GNHCP?

Go to the Volunteering section of the Support GNHCP page to download and fill out our Volunteer Application. As always, feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions about the process. 

Why is the adoption screening form so long?

The adoption screening forms allows us to ensure that the cats are going to stable, cat-appropriate homes where they can thrive. 

I live outside of ConneCticut, can I adopt from gnhcp?

We only adopt to Connecticut residents. Preference is given to New Haven County residents.

What are your hours? can I stop by and visit?

GNHCP maintains public visiting hours on Saturdays between 12 and 4. However, priority is given to adoption appointments.

How do I get involved with or support GNHCP?

You can support us via donations, by attending events, or volunteering. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please fill out our Volunteer Screening Form!

Are feral and outdoor cats wild animals?

Often times, feral and outdoor cats are a result of abandoned family pets. Feral cats are a member of the domestic cat species, and are protected by anti-cruelty laws. They live outdoors – and should remain outdoors since they are not trusting of humans.  Once neutered, they can be just as healthy as indoor pet cats.

GNHCP works with feral cat caregivers to provide instruction and resources for proper feeding, sheltering and monitoring of a colony.

What is the benefit of returning spayed and neutered cats to a colony rather than just removing them?

If the cats were simply removed, a new, unaltered colony would move in, leading to a net increase of cats. This is referred to as the “vacuum” effect. You can learn more about feral cat colonies at AlleyCat Allies.

TNR breaks the cycle of reproduction and the population and colony stabilizes, i.e. becomes “managed.” The colony size diminishes over time and no new cats will join the colony. The benefits of having a healthy, stable cat population are still in place (pest control, herd immunity with vaccinated cats), but no new cats enter or are born into the colony.